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How do you qualify for Social Security Disability benefits?

How do you qualify for Social Security Disability benefits?

Social Security Disability benefits provide monthly benefits to those who are found to qualify. Additionally qualifying for benefits also provides access to Medicare healthcare benefits.

To qualify for Social Security Disability benefits you must meet two criteria. First you must have enough qualifying work credits. These are earned by payment of FICA of self-employment taxes from your earnings. Work credits "expire" and if you are out of work for a long enough period of time before seeking disability you can lose your eligibility.

The second criteria is that you must meet the Social Security Administration's standards for disability. This can be through either having a single condition or limitation that meets their criteria - or otherwise qualifying through a functional and vocational analysis called "the grids."

Because Social Security Disability is a complex area of the law it is important that everyone who has applied and been turned down consult with a Social Security Lawyer about their claim. To discuss your situation with our office call South Carolina Disability Attorney James Snell at 1-803-932-6117.


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